Where was Breakfast Club Filmed

Where was Breakfast Club Filmed: Unveiling Iconic Locations

Where Was Breakfast Club Filmed | Discover Iconic Locations

“The Breakfast Club” is a classic movie. Directed by John Hughes, it was released in 1985. Many people love this film. It’s about five high school students in detention. But where was it filmed? Let’s find out!

Filming Location: Maine North High School

The main filming location for “The Breakfast Club” was Maine North High School. This school is in Des Plaines, Illinois. The school had closed in 1981. This made it a perfect place to film a movie.

Details About Maine North High School

  • Located in Des Plaines, Illinois
  • Closed in 1981
  • Used for filming in 1984

The school was empty and quiet. This allowed the film crew to work without interruptions. The classrooms, hallways, and library were all used in the movie.

The Library Scene

One of the most famous scenes is in the library. But did you know? The library in the movie was not a real library. It was built in the school’s gymnasium!

Creating The Library

  • Library built in the gym
  • Large windows added for light
  • Shelves filled with books and props

The gym was transformed into a beautiful library. The large windows let in natural light. This made the scenes look bright and welcoming.

The Hallways and Classrooms

The hallways and classrooms were also used in the film. These areas helped to create a real school atmosphere. The characters walked through these halls. They also had important conversations in the classrooms.

Filming In The Hallways

  • Filming took place during school hours
  • Real lockers were used
  • Authentic school decorations

The hallways were perfect for filming. Real lockers and decorations made the scenes look real. This added to the movie’s authenticity.

Where was Breakfast Club Filmed: Unveiling Iconic Locations

Credit: www.reddit.com

Other Filming Locations

While most scenes were filmed at Maine North High School, some scenes were filmed elsewhere. Let’s look at these locations.

Glenbrook North High School

  • Located in Northbrook, Illinois
  • Used for exterior shots
  • John Hughes’ alma mater

Glenbrook North High School was used for some exterior shots. John Hughes, the director, went to this school. This made it a special place for him to film.

Park Ridge, Illinois

  • Some outdoor scenes filmed here
  • Beautiful suburban setting
  • Close to Des Plaines

Park Ridge, Illinois was used for some outdoor scenes. This suburb is close to Des Plaines. It provided a beautiful setting for the film.

Why These Locations Were Chosen

John Hughes chose these locations for a reason. He wanted the film to feel real. Using real schools and suburbs helped achieve this.

Creating Authenticity

  • Real schools used
  • Authentic decorations
  • Natural lighting

By using real schools, the film felt genuine. The decorations and natural lighting added to this. These choices made the movie memorable.

Where was Breakfast Club Filmed: Unveiling Iconic Locations

Credit: m.youtube.com

Impact of the Filming Locations

The filming locations had a big impact on the movie. They helped create the right atmosphere. The locations also made the characters’ experiences feel real.

Creating The Right Atmosphere

  • Real school settings
  • Natural light and decorations
  • Quiet and empty spaces

The real school settings created the right atmosphere. Natural light and decorations added to this. The quiet, empty spaces allowed the characters to shine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Was Breakfast Club Filmed?

The Breakfast Club was filmed at Maine North High School in Des Plaines, Illinois.

What School Was Used In Breakfast Club?

Maine North High School in Des Plaines, Illinois, served as the filming location.

Is The Breakfast Club School Real?

Yes, the Breakfast Club was filmed at a real high school, Maine North High School.

Can You Visit Breakfast Club Filming Location?

The original school is closed, but you can visit the building, which now houses the Illinois State Police.


“The Breakfast Club” is a beloved classic. The filming locations played a big role in its success. Maine North High School was the main location. Other locations in Illinois were also used. These choices made the movie feel real and authentic. If you love this film, now you know where it was filmed!

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