How to Say Breakfast in Spanish: A Simple Guide

How to Say Breakfast in Spanish

Learning a new language is fun and rewarding. One of the first things you might want to learn is how to say daily activities. In this article, we will focus on how to say breakfast in Spanish. We will also explore some related vocabulary and phrases.

The Word for Breakfast in Spanish

The word for breakfast in Spanish is desayuno. Here is how you can pronounce it: deh-sah-yoo-noh. Now, let’s look at some examples of how to use this word in sentences.

  • I eat breakfast at 7 AM. – Yo desayuno a las 7 AM.
  • What do you want for breakfast? – ¿Qué quieres para el desayuno?
  • Breakfast is the most important meal. – El desayuno es la comida más importante.
How to Say Breakfast in Spanish: A Simple Guide


Common Breakfast Foods in Spanish

Knowing the word for breakfast is just the start. Let’s learn some common breakfast foods in Spanish. This will help you talk about your breakfast in more detail.

English Spanish Pronunciation
Bread Pan Pahn
Eggs Huevos Weh-vohs
Coffee Café Kah-feh
Milk Leche Leh-cheh
Fruit Fruta Froo-tah
How to Say Breakfast in Spanish: A Simple Guide


Spanish Breakfast Phrases

It’s also helpful to know some phrases. This way, you can talk about breakfast more naturally. Here are a few common breakfast phrases in Spanish:

  • Do you want breakfast? – ¿Quieres desayuno?
  • I am having breakfast. – Estoy desayunando.
  • Let’s have breakfast together. – Vamos a desayunar juntos.
  • What did you have for breakfast? – ¿Qué desayunaste?
  • Breakfast is ready! – ¡El desayuno está listo!

Tips for Learning Spanish Vocabulary

Learning new words can be challenging. Here are some tips to make it easier:

  1. Practice daily: Use the new words every day.
  2. Make flashcards: Write the word on one side and the meaning on the other.
  3. Watch Spanish videos: Find videos that talk about breakfast in Spanish.
  4. Speak with native speakers: Practice with someone who speaks Spanish.
  5. Use apps: There are many apps to help you learn Spanish vocabulary.

Why Learn Spanish?

Learning Spanish has many benefits. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. Knowing Spanish can help you in travel, work, and making new friends. Plus, it’s fun to learn about different cultures and traditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Spanish Word For Breakfast?

The Spanish word for breakfast is “desayuno. “

How Do You Pronounce Desayuno?

Desayuno is pronounced as “deh-sah-YOO-noh. “

What Does Desayuno Mean In English?

Desayuno means breakfast in English.

Is Desayuno Used In All Spanish-speaking Countries?

Yes, desayuno is universally understood in Spanish-speaking countries.


Now you know how to say breakfast in Spanish. You also have learned some related vocabulary and phrases. Practice these words and phrases to improve your Spanish skills. Remember, learning a language takes time and practice. Keep practicing and you will get better every day.

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